Chaos Organizing Hits Texas!

Today is National “Talk like a Pirate Day!”

What’s a Pirates favorite letter? R you say? Nope, SEA!!!!

Ok, There’s my attempt at humor. A funny passed along by my teenage son. lol

Did you know my sorority, Tri-Sigma, was a pirate sorority? Ha! It’s really not, but I actually had someone ask me that. The reason? We have a skull and cross bones on our badge and a sailboat is our symbol. While we certainly aren’t a sorority of pirates (which actually sounds fun to me) sisterhood and sorority life is still impacting my present life in such a positive way!

Thanks to our daughters being summer roommates and Tri-Sigma sisters as well, Lisa Clement and I rediscovered our 30 year old college friendship. Like many of my friends, she has followed my journey with Chaos Organizing for the last 5 plus years and had a million questions about what I do and how I do it. We spent a lot of time talking about our kids, husbands, passion for organizing, decorating and helping others, and as true southern ladies, our love for wearing pearls. Seriously! It’s a thing!

We had so much in common. We even own the exact same bed and marble top tables. It was crazy! Lisa lives in Houston, which is a big bummer for me. 5 hours apart from my old/new friend. But she had a brilliant idea that would change everything….You know that gut feeling that something big is happening but you just can’t put your finger on it? Well, I had that feeling and so did Lisa.

Here it is! The big thing that is actually happening! Chaos Organizing of Texas is born! Lisa is not a pirate, loves her family and her pearls and will be a great partner on this next adventure! Please send her a message welcoming her to the team. I know she’d love to hear from you.