Life is Short, Use Your Crystal

If 2020 is anything, it’s a reminder that life can change on a dime. It’s important to remember those “things” that you are saving, well, saving for what? Who could be more important than your family?

Maybe china and crystal aren’t your thing? Whatever your “fancy” holiday dishes may be, it’s time to bring them out and enjoy them. For me that means my Great-Grandmother’s china is front and center. You may have opted for something more contemporary, less formal or even less breakable, which I completely understand, but having my china on the table reminds me that life is fragile so enjoy it. No matter if you are having a formal event or a casual one, your decorated and well-set table can make the event feel more festive and your guests more welcome. Your centerpiece might be a mason jar of camellias from the yard or a fancy floral arrangement, either way, having a centerpiece brightens up the table and changes the mood from an ordinary dinner to a celebration! So, pull out the fancy, put on a smile and enjoy this time with the people you love.

Here is a guide on how to set the table. It’s really important to know and certainly a job that the older kids can do for you if you are busy in the kitchen.

Here are some other places that we found inspiration for a beautiful holiday table! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

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