The Power of Routine to Stay Organized

Discover the power of ROUTINE in your journey to stay organized, and unlock a world of less chaos and more productivity.

The more organized you are, the less chaos you will have. 

Sticking to a routine can be a real challenge, especially when you're a parent with young children and your days are a whirlwind of school, work, extracurricular activities, and even date nights. The struggle is real, and it's easy to feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

First, you have routines and don't even realize it.  Pay attention to your mornings.  Do you get up at the same time every day?  What do you do first? Second? …See…there is a bit of a routine there.  Write it down.

Let me share a personal experience. I'm not a morning person,  and my brain usually takes a while to fully wake up. This means I need to set my alarm for 15-30 minutes before I actually need to get out of bed.  I enjoy my coffee while catching up on the news and checking social media.  When I was a teacher with young children, I found it most effective to do as much as I could at night before going to bed. So , let's start there. I remember a fellow teacher who used to prepare her lessons for the next day after putting her kids to bed. This allowed her to have a peaceful morning and be fully present for her students.

Here is an example of my evening Routine (This works with or without children at home):

Eat Dinner

Do Dishes—Everyone helps clean up the kitchen. My rule was that if you aren't in the kitchen, you better be doing something else that helps the family and contributes to the household. 

Prep for tomorrow

Reset your spaces

and if you have young kids at home follow the Bs.- Bath, Brush Teeth and Hair, Book, Bed