5 Things to Do Between Christmas and New Years

Christmas has come and gone again, but the kids are still out of school and we still have New Years to celebrate. The motivation to get your home cleaned up may be lacking, but here are 5 things we recommend doing to keep yourself sane and able to enjoy the last of the holidays:

  1. Take out the trash.

    First things first, take out all of the holiday trash. It can accumulate very quickly between cooking, having guests over to eat, and opening gifts.

  2. Clean and put away all the serving dishes.

    Get all of your serving dishes cleaned and put back in their place. If you use china or any form of non-disposable dinnerware, now is a good time to clean and put those away too.

  3. Reset the guest bedroom.

    Tidy up the guest bedroom once your guests are gone. Change and wash the bedding and put away any items that need to be picked up.

  4. Reset the guest bathroom.

    Collect all the dirty towels and throw them in the wash.

  5. Use the rest of your paper plates.

    Whether or not you eat on paper plates for Christmas, now is a great time to use paper plates to save yourself from having to keep up with the dishes.

We hope you had a fabulous Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!

Need a fresh start for the new year? Grab a copy of southern chaos today!



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