Essentials for Road Trips with Kids

Going on vacation can be such a fun and enjoyable experience, but if you don't prepare ahead of time, it can be totally miserable. So, how do you prepare? What do you do?

Here are some essential items to have on hand in the car while on a road trip:

  1. First Aid Kit: For obvious reasons, but also because band aids have the power to make everything better! Lol

  2. Toothpaste and toothbrush or Mouthwash: After hours in the car, you may want to freshen up.

  3. Trash Bags: Trash bags are always good to have, but especially when eating on the go, and especially with children.

  4. Diaper Disposal Bags: If you’re traveling with little ones in diapers, you will definitely want some diaper trash bags that can be tied up to keep the smell contained.

  5. Water: Always keep water on hand both for just staying hydrated and in case of emergency.

  6. Rag Towels: Old rags or towels are great for cleaning up spills in the car.

  7. Hand Wipes: Having some sort of hand wipes or sanitizer is definitely a must.

  8. Toilet Paper: For those with toddlers and young kids, traveling with a kids portable potty is a great idea for when they have to go NOW and you’re nowhere near a restroom (or the restroom is just too nasty). So, toilet paper is definitely necessary for the kids, but you also never know when a public restroom may be out of toilet paper as well.

  9. Snacks: You definitely need snacks to keep the grumpies away.

  10. Toys/Prizes: Go to the dollar store or target dollar spot and purchase small toys and prizes for the kids. Keep them in a bin and dole them out every few hours to keep the kids happy.

That’s all!

Keep these items stored in a latch bin so you are both organized and can have peace of mind knowing that as things get shifted around on the car ride they will stay put.

Now go have a fantastic road trip with your family!

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