How to Establish and Maintain Routines

A routine is a sequence of events that are repeated over and over again. Simple as that. Yet they are an incredibly powerful tool that can quite honestly change your life. Routines are necessary if we want to get through life without constantly being in a rush. They keep life simple, manageable, and enjoyable. So, how do we establish and maintain routines?

The first step is to make a list of your routines and put it somewhere easily visible in your home until they are committed to memory.

You should create 3 routines.

  1. Morning Routine

    Keep your morning routine as minimal as possible to get you out the door.

  2. After School/Work Routine

    Do what is necessary to start tomorrow strong. If you have kids, this is a good time for them to do homework, repack their backpack, and pack their lunch for the next day.

  3. Evening Routine

    Reset your home, check for last minute to-dos, and put things in place.

Next, you’ll want to eliminate time wasters. Before you get on social media in the evenings, make sure your evening reset routine is done. You’ll thank yourself in the morning when you’re already set up for a successful day.

Lastly, get organized! When everything in your house has a designated home, it becomes much easier to keep up with chores and routines become much simpler.

Having a routine makes a huge difference in your day-to-day life, but routines and organization go hand-in-hand. If you're unorganized, routines are a lot more challenging to establish and maintain. We can get you organized so you can live more simply and less chaotically!



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