The Heart Behind Why We Decorate for Christmas

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or just down at Christmastime? Do you get the holiday blues while trying to make it magical for your children? I was that way before the awful flood of 2016. I experienced having a flooded home and it changed my perspective on things like the holidays.

There can be so much pressure to buy all the sale items and to deck out your home in Christmas decor completely from top to bottom. But, what really matters is spending time and making memories with your friends and family. This is why we love giving clutter-free gifts like we talked about last week!

That being said, decorating for Christmas (however much is right for you and your family) can be a great way to enjoy the season with your family as well.

Here are a few tips to make that process seamless and stress free:

  1. Sort your decorations into categories.

Take your decor out ahead of time and take a few minutes to sort everything according to what area of the home it will be going in.

2. Decorate one area at a time.

Tackle decorating one area at a time to simplify the process. You can even do this over several days if that makes more sense for you.

3. Take your time and enjoy the process.
Give yourself lots of time to work on decorating so that it doesn’t feel rushed or overwhelming. Put on some music, heat up some hot coco, and enjoy this time with your family.

Need help getting your home organized for the holidays?

Here are some photos of our decor from a few years back.



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