Back to School Organization: Pantry Edition

By now, most kids in Louisiana are back in school and getting in the swing of things again. But your home may not have recovered from the busyness of the first days of school yet.

One of the things I did when my kids were younger, was clean out and organize the pantry before school.

Over the summer, we tended to be more relaxed at home and with the snacks that the kids ate, which means we would accumulate a good bit of junk food while they were out of school. Once they got back to school though, I preferred for them to have healthy options that would keep them fueled and ready to learn.

So, this is your friendly reminder to clean out the junk food in the pantry and replace them with nutritious options that the kids already know are parent approved for them to eat.

Another way I liked to prepare the pantry for school was to have designated bins for salty snacks and sweet snacks. This is a super simple way to keep the snacks in your pantry organized.

I would also recommend keeping your snack bins on one of the bottom shelves of the pantry if you have young children so that they can reach them and get them on their own without needing your help every time they want a snack.

Pantry organization is so crucial to surviving the busy school days with your kids. It not only gives your children more independence, but it helps you to see what you have and what needs to be replaced easily as well as makes packing lunches that much easier.

We hope that you are having a great school year so far and that these tips help make it simpler for you!

Don’t know where to start in your pantry? Give us a call!



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