After-School Snacks

I remember so clearly when my kids were in school and the first thing they would do when they got home was yell, “Moooommmm!! I’m starvinggg!!”.

Here are a few of our best tips for keeping snacks on hand for the kids:

  1. Keep healthy snacks in the house.

    I learned to keep healthy snacks on hand for a couple of reasons. One being I didn’t have to worry about how much junk food they were eating. And two, they needed nutritious snacks to keep them going and able to get homework done etc.

  2. Focus on high protein.

    My son really needed protein as quickly as possible to improve his mood. This will also greatly help keep their energy up to get homework done and keep them full until dinner time.

  3. Keep a bin(s) in the bottom of the pantry for kids’ snacks.

    Having a bin or, better yet, multiple bins in the bottom of your pantry for kids’ snacks is super helpful to both you and the kids. This allows you and them to see what you have and gives them easy access to grab their own snacks that you’ve already approved.

  4. Have a designated drawer or storage bin in the fridge for kids’ snacks, drinks, etc.

    Same as above this eliminates the need for you to prepare the snack for them and they already know it’s parent approved.

    I hope this creates some peace in your home as you get settled into a new school year!

Need help organizing your pantry? Get on the books now!



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