Sending Your Child to School for the First Time

The big day is quickly approaching, and your (not-so-little anymore) baby is starting school for the first time.

This can be such an emotional time for both the child and parent but helping them to be confident and prepared going into it can help you both greatly!

Here are a few things to teach your child before school begins:

  1. Bathroom Etiquette

    This is probably the most important thing to teach your child before going to school. Make sure they know not to look at others under the stall, to undress/dress in the stall with the door closed, and to wash their hands when they are done.

  2. Hand Sanitizer

    Make sure they know how to use hand sanitizer and to let it dry before touching anything.

  3. Carrying a Backpack

    Teach your child how to carry their own backpack, and do not carry it for them. Teaching them how to be independent is super important to their development.

  4. Lunch Box

    Teach them how to open their lunchbox and each container you will be sending their lunch to school in (including their water bottle). Have them practice this a few times at home to be sure they can do it all without the teacher having to help.

Now, go prepare your child to have the best school year possible!

If you are having trouble establishing routines for your children or keeping their school supplies organized, give us a call!



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