Bathroom Organizing

All About the Bathroom Clutter

All About the Bathroom Clutter

Since the bathroom is such an important part of our homes, it is imperative we keep this space organized.   

This room is used to start and end your day.   

 We try to incorporate into our daily challenges on social media quick tasks that go a long way to keeping you on track with getting and staying organized. This week’s challenges were centered around the bathroom.   

Bathroom Organization: Makeup, Hair Products, Lotions, and Everything Else!

Bathroom Organization: Makeup, Hair Products, Lotions, and Everything Else!

Do you realize how much STUFF we keep in our bathrooms!  

Hair…face…body…shaving…bath…shower…personal…samples…back stock (because heaven forbid we run out of stuff)…cleaning supplies…linens… it’s a lot of stuff.  Oh, and please add coffee stuff to MY list because I need my coffee maker as close to my bed as I can get it!

We need this stuff to start and end our day, right?  Well, mostly we do. Let’s take a closer look at our stuff and see if we can streamline our bathroom scene.